Swachh Bharat Abhiyan
Swachh Bharat Abhiyan. Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi was Launched the ambitious ‘Swachh Bharat Abhiyan‘ (Clean India Mission) 2nd October 2014 on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi birth anniversary. It is the Emphasises program start by prime Minister Narendra Modi. For Build up any Nation it must be start by Cleanness.

MAHA BAUDHI INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION has to commit to the Nation, this mission as to be very necessary to build up a clean India. And motivate to our child they make sure every thing will be clean and pure near and around us. But before to make physically clean India it must be start from myself. ( Herself , Himself, yourself and itself ). When we think about Clean India Mission it is prepare in our mind as physically clean only. But according to MAHA BAUDHI INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION it not only a physically clean only. Before the physically cleanness we must clean our mind, our thought, our behaviour. Then we can make the Nation physically and thoughtful clean. If the pupil ship become pure in his mind then the nation will become clean and powerful India.
To make a mind clean and good working, The VIPASSANA MEDITATION is a very helpful to every one. There is No Religious bar, No Cast bar, No Regional bar. In the Vipassana Meditation there is no any type of boundary or any Boundation to any one. It is only the mind purification meditation. When our mind will be clean we can make clean environment surrounding us, as physically and thoughtfully.
MAHA BAUDHI INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION has committed clean India by Crime, By Bribe, By Mob Lynching, By Casteism and all type of unfair means which ever is not good to Build up our nation. We are going to the youngsters the motivate to make goodness himself / herself , Because if we are clean from inner side it will reflect out side also and vice versa. So that we motivate to every one become good from inner side and it will reflect out side automatically.
If over soul is pure , we will create clean and pure environment surrounding us and when its happen we will successfully make over Nation crime free. We can stop Rape, Mob Lynching, Cast based crime. Only the Physically clean India is not full fill goal of Make in India. It will be fruitful to every one in India when we success to over nationhood built from our soul clean and pure.
For Build up to self analyses The VIPASSANA MEDITATION is very help full. It is working day first when you start practice. It Develops person self confidence, purity built form in side and always awareness. When people become aware to himself analyses, they will not done any wrong practice. And nation will become Prabodha Bharat which has the Dream of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda wants that India become “PRABOODHA BHARAT”. And now we have make his adream true to built our India Swachh Bharat . which is Swachh from all the aspect. And “MAHA BAUDHI INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION” is always with Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi. It is our pleasure that we are the part of this mission.
B.E. Electronics and Master Mariner